A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement that encourages users to take action by clicking a button, signing up for an email list, or visiting a landing page.
A CTA is essential to any social media marketing because it helps convert viewers into leads and customers. As such, it needs to be compelling and specific to your business goals.
However, many marketing teams still need to pay more attention to their CTAs across social media platforms.
When we take a look at the majority of small business websites, almost 70% lack a CTA on their homepage. Studies show that 90% of your site visitors who read the text on your landing pages will also look at and click on any CTA copy you have included.
This is why it’s so crucial to implement scroll-stopping CTAs that will compel your customers to act immediately.
Create CTAs That Attract Attention
There’s a specific art to creating the perfect CTA. More often than not, they should be short, sweet, to the point, and specific enough to help drive your customers to take some form of action.
Some effective call-to-action phrases that are clear and direct include:
- Download our free ebook today.
- Sign up for our newsletter.
- Book a demo.
- Request a call.
- Visit our website.
But what makes a CTA compelling? How do you know if your CTA is working? Everyone wants more social media followers, but creating eye-catching, effective calls to action for your posts is easier said than done.
This blog post goes over proven formulas you can use right away.
Know Your Audience
Before writing an effective CTA, you need to know the people your post is targeting.
- What do they care about?
- What do they like reading about?
- You also need to know their pain points
These questions will help you understand the things that are keeping them from making a purchase or becoming loyal customers—and the benefits they want from your product or service.
Only then will you be able to write a CTA that speaks directly to their needs. Similarly, your CTA will compel them to click through and take action.
Tweak Your Social Media Posts to Appeal to Your Target Audience
Sharing information and connecting with your audience through social media is a great way to promote and market yourself.
But it's also a platform where you can sell products and services. To get people to take action on what you're sharing, your posts need to inspire them.
When writing posts:
- Make sure you write your CTAs from the perspective of an individual reader.
- Use friendly and inviting language.
You want your reader to feel like you're talking to them directly.
You know that feeling when you're scrolling through your Twitter feed, and suddenly you see a post that makes you stop in your tracks?
That’s what you want to give your customers.
It's not a celebrity endorsement or an announcement. It’s just a tweet that makes you feel like the person who wrote it is talking directly to you.
That's what makes personalization so powerful.
Create a Sense of Urgency
When you implement a sense of urgency into your sales and marketing strategy, do so with honesty. Don't create false urgency. Don't lie or deceive your customers to make a sale—it is gross.
The best coaches, mentors, and consultants are accountable to their clients. By sticking to a deadline, you create credibility as an expert who can be relied upon.
Creating an honest sense of urgency is one of the best things you can do when creating your CTA.
While it might seem like you're just trying to sell your product or service, you're actually creating an experience for your audience that they can't get anywhere else.
You're telling them, “If you click this link right now, you will get something that will make your life better.”
That's what makes people want to take action. The more urgent you make it sound, the more likely they will click through.
People are busy, and if you don't clarify why they should take action immediately, they may not.
You can use words like “now” or “today” to encourage people to act quickly if they want something from you. You can also use time-sensitive language like “this special offer expires tomorrow at midnight” or “the sale ends on Friday at midnight.”
Give Something of Value to Your Audience
Need some inspiration and extra punch? Give your audience a compelling reason to take the desired action.
Providing a valuable offer is an important first step to writing CTAs that get results.
But it's not enough to simply tell your readers what you have to offer. You need to give them a reason why that offer is so valuable.
Go beyond the benefits of your product or service.
- You've piqued their curiosity.
- You've clarified their doubts.
- Now, it's time to seal the deal.
Think of it like a first date… but instead of coming on strong, keep it simple, playful, and persuasive.
True marketing is about offering real value to your customers. You can use this strategy in many ways—offering a free product sample and giving away coupon codes or discounts for future purchases.
Go the extra mile and get creative. Offer a freebie. Just make sure it's relevant to your audience and useful for them.
Another alternative is free shipping, which is an attractive option for many shoppers. Nearly 50% of internet users are motivated to make an online purchase if it is offered with free shipping.
An offer should be valuable, but it doesn't have to cost a lot. With clear calls to action, users can understand what they should do next.
You're losing prospective customers if you don't give your content engaging call-to-actions at the right moments—regardless of how amazing it is.
Ensure Your CTA is Just
When writing a compelling call-to-action (CTA), it's important to keep Just Marketing standards in mind. Here are a few key ethical considerations to keep in mind:
- Honesty: Make sure your CTA accurately reflects what the customer can expect if they take the desired action. Avoid making false or misleading promises.
- Clarity: Be clear and concise in your CTA. Make sure the customer knows exactly what they need to do and what they can expect as a result.
- Respect for the audience: Avoid using high-pressure tactics that manipulate or exploit the customer's emotions, vulnerabilities, or insecurities. A CTA should be persuasive, not manipulative.
- Responsibility: Take responsibility for the consequences of your CTA. Make sure the customer fully understands the implications of taking the desired action, including any potential risks or costs.
By following these Just Marketing standards, you can write a compelling CTA that not only encourages customers to take action, but also respects and protects their interests.
Download a Collection of 90+ CTAs!
That’s right, over 90 unique CTA options that you can customize, test, tweak, and use again and again and again. Enter your best contact info below and I’ll send them right over to you!
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